They're Weird -- But They Work!

The best ways to increase productivity are not what you expected. A little outside-of-the-box thinking can have a dramatic impact on your business and have your workforce feeling refreshed, refocused, and ready to do their best work of the day!

Color Therapy

Studies have found that the color yellow has a positive effect on productivity. Because it decreases melatonin production -- the sleep hormone -- yellow can actually help improve your concentration. Try a yellow coffee mug or add a sunflower to your workspace.

Speaking of Plants

Plants and other types of greenery provide a micro-restorative burst according to psychologists Steve and Rachel Kaplan's (University of Michigan) "attention restoration theory." The pair has shown how the presence of plants increases our ability to recall greater quantities of information. Plants also enhance our capacity to think clearly.

Take a "Cute Break"

A study conducted at Japan's Hiroshima University has found that simply looking at images of cute baby animals causes our minds to focus better. The effect is so dramatic that our increased ability to focus lingers even after we move on to less adorable tasks.

Siesta, Anyone?

A short, afternoon nap can actually put a spring in your step for the remainder of your day. A brief 10-minute nap around two p.m. is often ideal and leaves most people feeling refreshed and ready to face the world with a smile.

Coffee Break

Contrary what many think, coffee doesn't give you more energy; it does, however, postpone fatigue, allowing you to work longer without feeling tired. Caffeine helps to activate brain chemicals involved in mood changes, such as serotonin and dopamine, making you feel less depressed.

Early to Rise

The most successful people in the world credit waking up early as a must-do habit. Rising before or right at sunrise can help increase productivity, and you'll have the bonus of a few extra moments at the breakfast table. If nothing else, not having to rush for the bus will have a positive impact on your day!

Dog Days

We all know that pets lower blood pressure and raise our overall mood, but did you know they also increase productivity? Studies show that workplace pups energize interoffice communication, sparking interaction among team members who may not otherwise have common ground.

A Body in Motion

Newton was right. A body in motion really does stay in motion. So if you're feeling sluggish, slumping in your desk chair, it's time to move. Going for a 10- to 15-minute walk outside, regardless of the temperature, will flush your cheeks and recharge your batteries. Sitting for too long can be damaging to your productivity, and your health. Leave your burdens on your desk and take a walk; you'll come back with improved clarity and greater energy.

Blue Light Boost

You may have been cautioned in the past to avoid checking your phone or tablet before going to bed because the blue screen can keep you awake. Scientists have found that the blue colored wavelengths of light, given off by a digital display, fool our brain into thinking it's daytime, suppressing our melatonin production. Well, that same cautionary advice can be used to increase productivity in the workplace, especially for shift workers. Rather than turning the brightness on your monitor all the way up -- which can cause eye strain -- add a lamp that is calibrated to battle seasonal affective disorder to your workspace. Its blue and white wavelengths will have you feeling bright in no time.

Book Club

There's nothing better than engaging in passionate debate with someone who's just read the same book as you; which is why book clubs are great for increasing productivity. Reading boosts brain function significantly, and the added social interaction of a book club meeting over lunch or after hours helps develop empathy and interpersonal skills.

Developing a plan to increase productivity doesn't have to be overwhelming. By implementing just one or two of these unusual tips, you'll see results in no time.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Future Force Personnel