Productivity Tips: Beat Stress - in Less than 1 Minute!
Have 60 seconds to spare? Use it to unwind, recharge and bust stress.
Tools: Get Your Ducks in a Row
Want better results from your temporaries, every time? Use these practical tips to make managing them simpler and more effective.
Quote of the Month:
"Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish."
--Sam Walton
The Future Force Blog
Check out our most recent posts:
Six Tips for Returning to Work After Maternity Leave
After the birth of a baby, going back to work can seem surreal. For some women, it's welcome; for others, it's a must.
>> Wherever you fall in the spectrum, here are a few tips to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
Are You Making These New Hire Training Mistakes?
When it comes to hiring, the work doesn't end when the new employee begins. In fact, what you do for a recent hire in those first few weeks can determine whether they succeed at the company or jump ship after a few months. One of the keys to successful integration is effective training. However, many employers make the same mistakes when it comes to training their employees.
>> To ensure your company isn't one of them, here are a few mistakes to avoid.