How to Get More from Temporary Staffing

It used to be that temporary staffing was called on when a receptionist was out sick, or a big order required more factory workers. Today, however, it’s far more strategic as companies are using temporary staff for a variety of reasons, including to:

  • Increase flexibility and manage economic uncertainly
  • Find skilled workers for short-term projects
  • Find specialty talent
  • Deal with the rising costs of regulatory mandates
  • Cut overtime costs

Temporary staffing is helping employers across the country find the people they need – while at the same time cutting costs and boosting efficiency. That said, there’s a right approach to getting the most from temporary staffing. To help you benefit from this flexible staffing options, here are a few tips to consider:

Welcome temporary workers. When the arrive on the job, make sure they feel welcomed. Introduce them to their co-workers and explain what they’ll be doing, offer them a tour of your operation, show them where they can eat lunch and take breaks, and answer any questions they may have.

Treat them with respect. Just because a temporary employee isn’t a full-time one doesn’t mean you should treat them with any less respect. If you don’t treat them with respect and show them that they are valued members of the team, then they’re going to grow frustrated, which can impact your employer brand.

Include temporary workers. If you’re hosting a company wide event, be sure to invite and include your temporary staff too. If they feel isolated or not included, they’re also going to feel less vested in doing great work.

Motivate and reward temporary workers. Just as you would for your full-time staff, recognize and reward great results. Also, be sure to offer plenty of feedback so temporary workers know where they stand with you.

Get to know them. Sure, they may only be there for a short period. But when you spend some time getting to know them, you may uncover skills sets or abilities you didn’t realize they had, which could benefit your company in unexpected ways not to mention make them feel more like part of the team.

If you’d like to take advantage of all temporary staffing has to offer, call Future Force. As a leading South Florida temporary staffing agency, we have a broad network of skilled and reliable people, ready to go to work. Contact Future Force today to learn more.